Monday, March 29, 2010

microsoft network monitor

oh, this is even better. i figured there must be programs for watching network activity in real time. i just googled "network monitor", and this was the first thing on the list: "microsoft network monitor". hey! i thought i'd see what it did.

what it does is exactly what i thought it did, and more. it keeps track of all the packets going in and out of the computer over a period of time. it also automatically bins these packets according to 'conversation', which is the set of [origin destination] that describes all of them. so, all the packets i send to jingping through skype fall in one bin, and all the ones she sends to me fall in another bin, for example.

last night i saw a couple of strange addresses communicating with my computer. i had turned off the browser, skype, and the chinese dictionary (which has some sort of homing beacon to beijing in it), but i still saw those packets arriving. where were they coming from? i don't know, except that one origin was in china (ningbo; '') and the other in australia (forgot the city). maybe my computer is a zombie! i will solve this mystery..

now, i need to learn more about packets and protocols.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


okay, netstat is neat. it shows you a list of all the IP addresses to which your computer is connected by a port. i haven't figured out what exactly a port is yet, but i think it's just like some sort of i/o index for the computer. what's more neat is that if you type netstat -b, it will show you the list along with the applications associated with each. for me, this basically means firefox (chrome boo) or skype.

so, from this i have learned something interesting about skype. if you're just connected to it, you'll see some foreign address that's unfamiliar - i guess it's just like a neutral relay node or something, which you use to connect to other people. if you're currently talking with someone, in chat or phone, you can actually see their address directly. this is why skype is a 'peer-to-peer' service: you connect directly with the other person.

Friday, March 19, 2010

about IP addresses

so i've been reading about how the internet works, since i know absolutely nothing about it. one thing i learned today was that the IP address i see for my computer may not be, or probably isn't, the IP address that the internet sees, since it may just be an address within a private network. specifically, if an address starts with 192.168., it's definitely a local network address, and it doesn't make sense to look for it from across the internet.

so, i know slightly more than nothing now.

Friday, March 05, 2010

生活是婊子(命运多舛),original by Lemmy



