Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Moving On:

Adolph: Vat ist dat?
Andrew: This is data from my experiment.
Adolph: Vat are you doink vis it?
Andrew: I am making pretty plots out of it. Look at this one. Isn't it pretty?
Adolph: Vat does it mean?
Andrew: I don't know.


  1. It is said: time is not important; life is important.
    So, meaning is not important; beauty is important.

  2. brilliant comment, immediately explicating my conundrum.

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  4. you could also have said, "neener neener, cat's got your weiner", but you wouldn't because i just made it up.

    i still don't know where the tune comes from. until i meet some other european folks who can give examples going back a couple hundred years, i have to assume it's a british song.

  5. RE: "neener neener, cat's got your weiner"

    Nigerian Priestess, Caucasian Jewb:
    A pox on thine fallopian tube.

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  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. strangely enough, i get those too. and i'm also always getting e-mails from these guys, and sometimes girls, telling me to invest in stocks or that i can get my medicine cheaper at some website. it makes me worry about the poor guy who's not getting his e-mail from his friends!

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  11. need a brighter post; need a brighter day~~~

  12. donk donk: what's up, fando-mando?
    fanman: can'tdo saydo, donkdo donkdo.
    donk donk: can't, or won't? donk donk is suspicious.
    fanman: suspiciousdo? donkdo donkdo isdo suspiciousdo?
    donk donk: no, just joking fando-mando. say, what-
    fanman: medo tireddo ofdo youdo callingdo medo fandomando! youdo diedo nowdo! ararararaaaaaaaghdo!
    donk donk: no! fando-mando, i... i.. i am your... brother... do...

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